Friday, November 13, 2009

Where can I buy some Medicinal quality Plumeria (Frangipani) oils or roots at?

I live in the USA and I am looking to buy some of these. Any websites or companies you might know about would be helpful.

Where can I buy some Medicinal quality Plumeria (Frangipani) oils or roots at?
Click on the link below , you will get many sites.-
Reply:Plumeria (common name Frangipani; syn. Himatanthus Willd. ex Roem. %26amp; Schult.) is a small genus of 7-8 species native to tropical and subtropical America. The genus consists of mainly deciduous shrubs and trees. P. rubra (Common Frangipani, Red Frangipani), native to Mexico, Central America, and Venezuela, produces flowers ranging from yellow to pink depending on form or cultivar. The genus is also related to the Oleander, Nerium oleander. Both are known to possess poisonous, milky sap, rather similar to that of Euphorbia. In Mexico, the Nahuatl (Aztec language) name for this plant is "cacalloxochitl" which means "crow flower." It was used for many medicinal purposes such as salves and ointments.

plumeria oil or root get ayurvedic shop or visit web site for

medicinal plants.
Reply:There are sellers on eBay that sell Plumeria oils.

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